The Reverend Bryant X. Phelps is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church in full connection with the Horizon Texas Annual Conference and the eleventh Senior Pastor of Hamilton Park United Methodist Church in Dallas. Since his childhood, he has been committed to advancing communities through advocacy and service. A native of Midland, Texas, Rev. Phelps is a graduate of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia (Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration), and Southern Methodist University (Master of Divinity in Black Church & Urban Development Studies). He is currently a doctoral student at Duke University School of Divinity.
Rev. Phelps’ scholarship, service, public speaking, preaching, and lecturing have afforded him several opportunities. He has been honored for much of his work and because of his social impact, Rev. Phelps was honored with an endowed scholarship bearing his name with the United Negro College Fund in 2021. Every fall, students may apply for the Reverend Bryant X. Phelps Endowed Scholarship.
A man of faith and service, Rev. Phelps’ connectional leadership consists of membership on the Metro East District Committee on Ministry and the Conference Committee of Finance and Administration, and he is the Chair for the Horizon Texas Caucus of Black Methodists for Church Renewal. Reflecting a lifetime of service, he is also a member of many organizations that are dedicated to social service and advocacy including the NAACP and the Urban League Young Professionals.
Rev. Phelps is married to Mrs. Courtney Phelps, his Spelman College sweetheart. Mrs. Phelps, a native of Los Angeles, California, is a graduate of Spelman College of Atlanta, Georgia (Bachelor of Science in Biology) and the Milken Institute of Public Health at George Washington University of Washington, DC (Master of Public Health). She is the Director of Community Service Learning at The Episcopal School of Dallas. Together, they are the parents of one daughter, Hailey.