Passing The Baton
The Park has a rich legacy of service to our community and has been shepherded by some of Dallas’ most impactful leaders. With each of our eleven Senior Pastors, and countless Associate Pastors, The Park has adapted with each generation. Our Senior Pastors have been involved in social, denominational, economic, and educational movements, offering critical leadership impacting the lives of millions. The Park’s rich pastoral legacy includes: the late Rev. Dr. Ira Benjamin Loud (1957-1958), The Honorable Rev. Dr. Zan Wesley Holmes, Jr. (1958-1968), Rev. Dr. Luther W. Henry, Sr. (1968-1973), the late Rev. John Wesley Elliot, Sr. (1973-1978), Rev. Dr. Henry L. Masters, Sr. (1978-1990), Rev. Dr. Ronald D. Henderson (1990-2002), Rev. Derrick Wright (2002-2005), Rev. Harold Dangerfield (2005-2009), the late Rev. Dr. R. Jeremiah Booker (2009-2017), Rev. Dr. Sheron C. Patterson (our first woman pastor, 2017-2024), and our current Senior Pastor, Rev. Bryant X. Phelps.
For all this, we praise God for nearly seventy years of transformative ministry and a story still being written.