Children’s Ministries

Grow and Engage with Us!

Our Children’s ministry continues to thrive as we enjoy finding new ways to connect.

Our Children enjoy engaging Children’s Church on our Facebook page every Sunday afternoon.

Young Families interact on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm through Bible story, dance, crafts, and snack ideas. Children and their parents celebrate Faith & Family each Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm via Zoom.

We’ve found creative ways to make a difference in our Community through Socks of Love and Souper Bowl of Caring and look forward to including your children.

Our Confirmation Class meets via Zoom on Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm to learn more about faith and becoming a follower of Jesus Christ.

Director of Children and Youth Ministries

Contact Kathy Griffith for more information regarding Zoom gatherings and ways your family can get involved.