We invite you to Get Involved

We invite you to come and exercise your Spiritual Gifts in one or more Ministries at The Park.

Each of the Ministries and educational groups of The Park in their own unique ways perform in activities which fulfill the biblical defined mandates:

  • Growing in our love for God and loving each other
  • Making disciples and baptizing all people in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit
  • Equipping the people for works of service in the body of Christ
  • Teaching biblical doctrine, being in fellowship, praying and caring for one another, worshiping God, and reaching out to the community though evangelism

Ministries at The Park

United Women in Faith

Check out our United Women in Faith Ministry at The Park!


Check out Youth Ministries at The Park!


Check out Children’s Ministries at The Park!

Music and Arts

Check out Music and Arts Ministries at The Park!

Young Adult Minsitry

Check out our Young Adult Ministry at The Perk!

Men's Ministry

Check out our Men’s Ministry at the Park!